Here’s a script that I have used for a while now to disable notes on a form. Typically I would use this on the disabled form of an entity in which we do not want further notes to be added (for whatever reason).
function DisableNotes() { var iframe = document.getElementById("notescontrol"); if (iframe.readyState == 'complete') { //Hide 'Create a New Note' link var notesButton = window.frames[0].document.getElementById('newNoteButton');"hidden"; var NotesTable = window.frames[0].document.getElementById('NotesTable'); //Disable the entire table NotesTable.disabled = true; var TextArea = NotesTable.getElementsByTagName('TEXTAREA'); //It's still necessary to individually disable the Textareas where users edit the existing notes. for (i=0;i<TextArea.length;i++) {TextArea[i].Disabled = true;} } return; }
To use it on a disabled form you would add something like the following to a form load event:
/* OnLoad Event */ function Incident_OnLoad() { // Check if the Form is in Disabled mode; if so make the notes Read-Only if(Xrm.Page.ui.getFormType() == 4) { var iframe = document.getElementById("notescontrol"); iframe.attachEvent('onreadystatechange', DisableNotes); } }
We can also achive this by using below code….
function DisableNotes() {
var noteControl = document.getElementById(“notescontrol”);
var noteTable = noteControl.contentWindow.document.getElementById(“NotesTable”);
noteTable.disabled = true;
var textArea = noteTable.getElementsByTagName(‘TEXTAREA’);
for (i = 0; i < textArea.length; i++) {
textArea[i].disabled = true;
Do you know how to do this CRM 2013. Looks like – “contentWindow” is not present in it.
ANy help would greatly be appreciated.